Chinese Zodiac Signs 1259 Astrology Horoscope

Year 1259 Chinese Zodiac Sign is Goat

  • Being born under the Chinese Zodiac Sign Sheep people have elegance and great talent in the arts. At first glance the Sheep zodiacs seem to be better off than other signs. But if you take into consideration that Sheep are shy, pessimistic and having a hard time figuring life out. Timid by nature usually Sheep are very religious people. Introvert mostly they can be clumsy doing speeches. Having great passion towards their beliefs and passions. Sheep are very good at what they do professionally, that is also why they have no worries about material things. Wise yet gentle Sheep are compassionate people.
  • Astrology character and traits of Sheep sign:
    Elegant, artistic, gentle, compassionate, honest, creative, genuine, dependent on material comforts and pessimistic.

1259 Zodiac Sign Goat Compatibility

  • Chinese Zodiac Signs are based upon a twelve year lunar cycle. Your zodiac animal sign is determined by your birthday year. If you were born in 1259 then your astrological sign is Goat. There are twelve animal signs. Each animal has it's own attributes and personality traits the Chinese believe comprise the nature of each particular animal.
  • Best matches for Zodiac Sign Goat are: Horse, Rabbit, Pig, Dragon
  • Bad matches for Zodiac Sign Goat are: Ox

Historical Events for the Year 1259

  • 1st January Star Sign » Michael VIII Palaiologos is proclaimed co-emperor of the Empire of Nicaea with his ward John IV Laskaris.
  • 4th December Star Sign » Kings Louis IX of France and Henry III of England agree to the Treaty of Paris (1259) e.g Treaty of Paris, in which Henry renounces his claims to France known as French-controlled territory on continental Europe (including Normandy) in exchange for Louis

Famous Birthdays in 1259

  • 25th March » Andronikos II Palaiologos, Byzantine emperor (d. 1332)

Famous Deaths in History for 1259

  • 29th May » Christopher I of Denmark (b. 1219)
  • 11th August » Möngke Khan, Mongolian emperor (b. 1208)

Year 1259 Zodiac Signs and Birthstones by month