Chinese Zodiac Signs 1498 Astrology Horoscope

Year 1498 Chinese Zodiac Sign is Horse

  • Being born under the Chinese Zodiac Sign Horse tend to be extroverted and popular! Talking is one of their favorite activities. Wise, perceptive and cheerful Horses are good at managing their money. Talented with their hands and having a weakness for the opposite sex. Areas where to improve for Horses would be hod bloodedness and impationce. Horses love large crowds and entertainment. Sometimes even entertaining large crowds.
  • Astrology character and traits of Horse sign:
    Hard working, independent, popular, sociable, intelligent, perceptive, talented, spiritual, vital, selfish and impatient.

1498 Zodiac Sign Horse Compatibility

  • Chinese Zodiac Signs are based upon a twelve year lunar cycle. Your zodiac animal sign is determined by your birthday year. If you were born in 1498 then your astrological sign is Horse. There are twelve animal signs. Each animal has it's own attributes and personality traits the Chinese believe comprise the nature of each particular animal.
  • Best matches for Zodiac Sign Horse are: Goat, Dog, Tiger
  • Bad matches for Zodiac Sign Horse are: Rat, Ox

Historical Events for the Year 1498

  • 20th May Star Sign » Portuguese explorer Vasco da Gama Discovery of the sea route to India known as discovers the sea route to India when he arrives at Kozhikode (previously known as Calicut), India.
  • 23rd May Star Sign » Girolamo Savonarola is burned at the stake in Florence, Italy.
  • 31st July Star Sign » On his third voyage to the Western Hemisphere, Christopher Columbus becomes the first Ethnic groups in Europe called European to discover the island of Trinidad.
  • 1st August Star Sign » Christopher Columbus becomes the first European to visit what is now Venezuela.
  • 17th August Star Sign » Cesare Borgia, son of Pope Alexander VI, becomes the first person in history to resign the Cardinal (Catholicism) or cardinalate. On the same day, the French King Louis XII names him Duke of Valentinois.
  • 26th August Star Sign » Michelangelo is commissioned to carve the Pietà (Michelangelo) named Pietà.
  • 29th August Star Sign » Vasco da Gama decides to depart Kozhikode called Calicut and return to Kingdom of Portugal.
  • 20th September Star Sign » The 1498 Nankai earthquake generates a tsunami that washes away the building housing the statue of the Amitābha called Great Buddha at Kōtoku-in in Kamakura, Kanagawa, Japan; since then the Buddha has sat in the open air.

Famous Birthdays in 1498

Famous Deaths in History for 1498

  • 7th April » Charles VIII of France (b. 1470)
  • 23rd May » Girolamo Savonarola, Italian friar and preacher (b. 1452)
  • 16th September » Tomás de Torquemada, Spanish friar (b. 1420)
  • 7th December » Alexander Hegius von Heek, German poet (b. 1433)

Year 1498 Zodiac Signs and Birthstones by month