September 12th 1983 Day of the Week

Calendar Day of Week for September 12th (1983) was a Monday. It's the 254th day of the year (255th in leap years) in the Gregorian calendar. There are 111 days left to the end of the year.

Day of Week Monday in other languages

  • If you are interested in languages then this day of the week Monday is called:
    Dies Lunae in Latin, Montag in German, Lundi in French, Lunedi in Italian, Lunes in Spanish

Zodiac Sign ♍ Virgo Born on this Date

  • People born in the year 1983 on the 12th September have the zodiac sign Virgo.

    Virgo is the sixth astrological sign in the Zodiac. The symbol of the maiden is based on Astraea. She was the last immortal to abandon earth at the end of the Silver Age, when the gods fled to Olympus - hence the sign is association with earth. Quiet and introverted, the Virgo are the waters that run deep.

    To the outside Virgo appear calm and collected, but on the inside you can find nervousness, intensity, desire for perfection and analyzing about everything. This kind of behaviour can be become very tiring very fast. Virgo has a big desire for improvement and perfection. This can lead to extreme pickiness.

    They are pure at heart and have honest motives when trying to accomplish something. Extremely faithful and amazing at communication. Serving under others gives Virgos great joy. That is exactly why they will do extremely well in many types of jobs as they are methodical, hard working and efficient.

Historical Events for 12th September, 1983

  • » A Wells Fargo depot in West Hartford, Connecticut, United States, is robbed of approximately US$7 million by Los Macheteros.
  • » The Soviet Union or USSR vetoes a United Nations Security Council Resolution deploring the Soviet shooting down of a Korean civilian jetliner on September 1.

Famous Birthdays on September 12 in 1983

  • » Tom Geißler, German footballer
  • » Rami Haikal, Jordanian guitarist (Bilocate)
  • » Sebastian Hofmann, German footballer
  • » Daniel Muir, American football player
  • » Sergio Parisse, Argentinian-Italian rugby player
  • » Clayton Richard, American baseball player
  • » Carly Smithson, Irish singer-songwriter and actress (We Are the Fallen)
If you were born on this day of the week in the year 1983 then you would be 41 years old today. If you decided to start collecting one dollar every day at the age 10 then you would have accumulated $11315 today.

Calendar for the year 1983 and a calender for the month of September

  • Sun
  • Mon
  • Tue
  • Wed
  • Thu
  • Fri
  • Sat

Calendar By Years in History for 12th September