Birthday Personality October 24th 1962 Star Sign

October 24th (1962) was a Wednesday. It's the 297th day of the year (298th in leap years) in the Gregorian calendar. There are 68 days left to the end of the year.

♏ Scorpio is the Zodiac Sign for October 24th


Birthday numerology calculation for people born on 24th October 1962

Astrological traits for life path nr 7

  • Ruling Planet: Neptune
    Colors: Green
    Gemstones: Moonstone
    Qualities: Philosophical, Spiritual
  • Character and birthday personality attributes to this life path number:
    Intelligence, intuition, spirituality, analytical, solitary, secretive.

Famous Birthdays on October 24 in 1962

  • » Yves Bertucci, French footballer and manager
  • » Dave Blaney, American race car driver
  • » Rik Daniëls, Belgian director
  • » Jonathan Davies (rugby player born 1962) named Jonathan Davies, Welsh rugby player
  • » Ian Dalziel (footballer) named Ian Dalziel, English footballer and manager
  • » Ted Dekker, American author
  • » Debbie Googe, English bass player and songwriter (My Bloody Valentine (band) or My Bloody Valentine, Primal Scream, and Snowpony)
  • » Kristen Hall, American singer-songwriter
  • » Andrea Horwath, Canadian politician
  • » Roland Königshofer, Austrian cyclist
  • » Gene Larkin, American baseball player and coach
  • » Gibby Mbasela, Zambian footballer (d. 2000)
  • » Mark Miller (racer) e.g Mark Miller, American motorcycle racer
  • » Mark Morettini, American actor
  • » Jay Novacek, American football player and coach

Birthday Astrology 24th October

Year 1962 Chinese Zodiac Signs and Birthstones. Month of October Astrology.

  • Sun
  • Mon
  • Tue
  • Wed
  • Thu
  • Fri
  • Sat

♏ Scorpio Star Sign Traits October

  • Element: Water.
  • Quality: Fixed.
  • Planetary ruler: Pluto.
  • Birthstone: Topaz.
  • Flower: Chrysanthemum.
  • Key characteristic: Endurance.
  • Strengths: Intense, powerful, transforming.
  • Challenges: Jealous, domineering, violent.