April 18th is the 107th day of the year (108th in leap years) in the Gregorian calendar. There are 258 days left to the end of the year.
♈ Aries is the Zodiac Sign for Apr 18th
Let us explore April 18th Birthday Astrology traits for Aries.
Aries is the first astrological sign in the Zodiac. The symbol of the ram is based on the Chrysomallus, the flying ram that provided the Golden Fleece.
Having impressive leadership qualities Aries tend to have burning desires to get started off and make things happen. Aries traits are adventurous, energetic, pioneering, courageous, enthusiastic, confident, dynamic and quick-witted. Leaving very strong impressions on others that they are exciting, vibrant and talkative.
Aries love adventure in their lives and being the center of attention is a must. One reason for this could be their natural confidence and ablity for leadership. Aries are enthusiastic and impulsive. Their motto is act first and think later. This impulsiveness can lead to regret in the future.
Aries are loyal mates. When Aries falls in love, they will straight away go and express it to the one with whom they are in love without giving it a much thought. They can make good athletes and climbers, doctors, explorers, soldiers, sailors and airmen, and leaders, though awkward subordinates, in industry and politics.
If you were born April on the 18th April then your zodiac sign is Aries.
18th April Birthday Astrology
Aries (March 21 - April 19) Aries have an amazing inner drive and don't shy away from hard work if that is what it takes to get what they want. Having a great deal of drive and ambition is their trademark. Being very social and having a great sence of humor by nature makes it easy for Aroies to blend in anywhere. Creative with a very strong will. These individuals don't like to share their emotions or feelings with others. But this can change once you get to know them better. Aries are compatible with: Gemini, Sagittarius, Aquarius, Capricorn and Pisces.
Month of April Zodiac Signs are Aries(until April 20) and Taurus(April 21 onwards).
April Birth Flowers
Month of April is associated with Sweet Pea(also withDaisy) flower which bloom in a wide range of soft colors as well as two tone colours. It is said to symbolise pleasure or good-bye. In the Victorian era, these birth flowers formed a part of the bouquet which was sent to someone to convey gratefulness. It is also a flower given between friends to keep a secret.
Love, youth and purity. April Birth Flower Daisy conveys innocence and there are five common types.
Famous Deaths in History for April 18th
Year 52 » Publius Clodius Pulcher, Roman politician (b. 93 BC)
Year 474 » Leo I the Thracian, Byzantine emperor (b. 401)